Thursday, 31 March 2011


WOOOOOT... saw a paint scheme resembling mine... lime green body with dark green scales... wahahhaah.. it looks neat.  now i just have to repair the head by painting black..

I have decided on albino lizards with scab red scales with green shields... it is gonna look fantastic!!! dip dip dip ftw!!!


Feel like crap... felt that i have fucked up my paint job on my new cold ones... or what Annie call dinosaurs... got lazy and started painting the whole head lime even the mouth and teeth also green don't know how to repair...

Then felt the skin color is too off also... lime green with a white painted tummy...but was looking through some pictures and it seems that goblin green would work well with dips since it brings the tone down.... i'll keep to it.. color the scales turqouise blue... recolor the mouth black and pick out the teeth and the tongue.. now got to decide whether to paint the base first before sticking or stick then paint base

GO GO GO!!!!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Can't even remember what came in

having the Monday Blues... after being on MC on Friday and having 6 hour lessons on Sat & Sunday... at least i managed to spend some time connecting with my toys on Friday... Finally forced myself to finish the last 4 TK chariots to get rid of the box.. more stuff should be coming in.. soon...

Salamanders also came in and mounted them on their bases... had my first experience with Green Stuff as there were big gaps in the neck of those assembled models.. not too bad.. but a bit sticky to work with.

Ordered a WHOLE bunch of stuff from a certain US online retailer today..  Prices for some items were pretty good... blood knight only 72 USD compared to 96 at Wayland.  $32 shipping charges for this large number of items is also good.

2 x Bases: 25mm Square x25  = $5.50
3 x Warhammer: Lizardmen Chameleon Skinks Blister Packet  = $33.75
1 x Bases: 20mm Square x50  = $5.00
1 x Warhammer: Undead Wight Lord Army Standard Blister Packet  = $9.00
1 x Bases: 15 Large Regiment Bases  = $7.50
1 x Warhammer: Lizardmen Slaan Mage Priest Boxed Set  = $33.00
3 x Warhammer: Lizardmen Terradon Rider Blister Packet  = $40.80
1 x Warhammer: Lizardmen Skink Priest Blister Packet  = $9.20
1 x Warhammer: Vampire Counts Blood Knights Boxed Set (99110207168) = $72.00
1 x Warhammer: Vampire Counts Grave Guard Boxed Set (99120207011) = $26.40
1 x Warhammer: Vampire Counts Varghulf Boxed Set (99110207166) = $20.00

That's all my wants for both my VC and Lizard army.. hope i have enough space to keep them though.. sigh...4 boxes of Lizards should be coming soon.

This month's credit card bill was a bit more friendly at 693... Much better than last month.   should be stopping purchasing activities pretty soon.  Nothing left to buy until i decide to start a new army OMG!!!!

edit: Removed specific reference to an online retailer to mitigate civil litigation risk.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Daily Surprise

My days have been reduced to waiting to the end of the day and seeing what turns up in the mail box... got more surprises over the weekend when stuff arrived!! Wooooot!!

Black Coach off ebay - 15.50 pounds + shipping

Contents of Black Coach
 Will have to wait a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time before i can put this sucker together.  Priority goes to TK... then OK & Lizzies & VC will have to roll on it... probably do all in 1 shot after my exam!!!

Just came across this article during Legal Aid class, from Micheal Zander - FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!! but after my exams

Lizardmen and Vampire Counts Army book - 13.50 pounds each including shipping, almost half price from Singapore. 

Retail price was 15 pounds...

Big Surprise Mantic Ghoul Sprue

This was really a surprise.  I remember signing up with Wayland games last year when there was this free ghoul sprue from Mantic promotion going on.  I signed up but nothing happened.  this was sent out on 29/12/2010 and just arrived!!!  Small gift but big on WOW factor.

Bought more crap from ebay... waiting for my bits to come in from Hoard 'O' Bits... considering to purchase alternative Blood Knights and Corpse Cart from Gamezone which cost... 7.65 pounds each from Maelstrom and 22.50 pounds for the cart.  GW one cost half... sigh... *think harder* or wait till Maelstrom has discount vouchers.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Intro to Bartertown

Tried out Bartertown for the first time... bought a unit of 26 metal Temple Guards + 1 saurus old blood + 1 skink warchief
Items costed 55USD which was rather cheap for those models but shipping was 17USD which was probably fair for the weight...

Got it on Monday and was mighty pleased.

Positive start for Barter Town. 

If the shipping works for you, there are probably some gems you can pick up
Bartertown Link

Sunday, 13 March 2011

HeroHammer 2011 @ PI Midpooint

Took part in my first ever Warhammer Fantasy Tourney - Herohammer 2011.

Went in with my Tomb King with the following combo -
Tomb King - 215pts
Shield - 5 pts
Chariot + 2 Skeletal Steed - 45 pts
Spear of Antarhak - 35 pts. Each unsaved wound causes bearer/unit/chariot to regain 1.
Armor of Eternity - 70 pts. 6+ Armor Save, Enemies must reroll successful rolls to wound.
Chariot of Fire - 25 pts. Chariot does D6+1 Flaming Impact Hits
Golden Ankra - 45 pts. 4+ ward save

End up i totally forgot about Armor of Eternity.... if not will be able to live longer.  Chariot of Fire was waste of points also as i could not charge anyone...

Yan Liang - Dreadlord - CC Monster
Yan Liang - Dreadlord - Giant Killer for killing Eric's TK in an epic 5 round of CC
Eric - Insane award - prayed to temple of skull for 6 times without falling prey to the temple
Justin & Max both tied for most "sway" - both were claimed by the temple when they entered & the only action they did for the whole game was to pray. Justin coz he's an archlector with his private mobile temple praying to a chaos temple (~.*) & Max for waiting for so long as the last player to enter the arena.
Cheesiest award - Yan Liang's Dreadlord - dragon cloak + shield + rptr xbow + executioner axe + regen heavy armour + reverse ward save (O.O)
Eric almost claimed the refused to die peacefully award when YL only just passed his Ld test when he killed Eric
Jon also almost made YL jumped off his seat when he had to take another Ld test after getting hit by the Lizardmen manly sword in the immediate next round of CC (yes, Eric, YL & Jon were gang banging each other)

First encounter with the local gaming community was also a positive one.  Guys are friendly and are very kind to guide me through w/o needing me to figure out how much to roll.  Look forward to start playing Warhammer on a bigger scale... after my exams... which are coming in May!!!

Tourney Briefing
Is it my turn?
My TK locked in combat with the Dreadlord.  Painting actually looks quite good
Ward Save!!!
Eventual HH 2011 Champion
Voted Most Cheesy Player

Friday, 4 March 2011

New stuff from Ebay & GG's garage sale

more stuff came in yesterday... some from Games's Garage's sale which offered prices even lower than Maelstrom.
Can see the loose Saurus in the green bag and more Skinks in the white

Avatars of War Vampire Countess - S$16.50

Lizardmen Saurus Champ

Lizardmen Stegadon - S$43.00

Skink Archer Command Group

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Random Stuff

Shit load of stuff has been coming in since i stepped up buying activities on my lizzies and VC... have not even finished my first army (TK), have a full ogre army waiting and yet starting on another 2... AMEX bill came up to slightly more than $1000 this month and most of it is on Warhammer related purchases in Jan & Feb 2011... not good at all...

Also... My damn cupboard is filling up too quickly and i gotta stop. 
Top layer you can see here are 90 zombies and 60 ghouls from Mantic.  Black boxes (Ikea) 1 contain my TK chariots and 1 is empty, probably for my undead horde.  Stones and clay in the transparent containers.  not sure what is in the small black one though

Bottom layer - Customs Resin bases in the brown envelope, entire right side is unmade ogre stuff... SHIIIIIT LOAD of ogre stuff... transparent zip loc are some saurus warriors on sprues, white box is old ed saurus warriors, BSB, brown box beneath that is more TK chariots waiting to be assembled and below those are 1 TK BG, TK COS & TK SSC. 

I forgot to mention this thing cupboard is deep.. there's another 2 layers of boxes behind what you can see.

Anyway, this is a picture of one of my recent purchases - Cyclops.  I saw it on the Max Mini Website and this was the page it was on.  Wanted to use it as a giant which probably justified why I paid bloody 50 bucks for it... well the sculpt was well done and very good looking...
but kinda too small.. guess my estimation of 4 inches is waaay off...  i even bought a custom resin 100x75 giant base for him from Base X War.... guess its not gonna work.  But still... good looking model... gonna use him to test my painting skills for brown hide + scales