Sunday, 18 May 2014

Goblin Heros.. or heroes...

After a long hiatus, I finally resumed my painting work.

It was agreed by the team that ogres are not an army that can tank well and made the decision to switch to OnG.

Hence, I resumed work on my army.  Done up quite a bit of stuff, like basing the DDM trolls on correct bases and finishing my two mangler squigs and two goblin hero on wolf.

The next big task would be finishing the sobu block which is a major job. I have two more months to go but with an upcoming house move, gonna be tight.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

First Lizards done!

Finally finished my first unit of Lizard men - a Salamander pack. I really like the color scheme and I am glad I managed to figure out the basing scheme.

Thursday, 16 January 2014


I recently joined an escalation RPG warhammer fantasy league ran by FLGS. It's a Lustria based map campaign and I chose to kick-start my lizards with this campaign.  We are still in build-up phase now so everyone is preparing their first 500 pts. 

I decide to go lazy and prime my lizards with a lemon yellow spray as base cost, going with orange secondary color.

Painted a salamander pack over the weekend and dipped it last night.  As of this morning, dip is not dry yet but I like the result as the dip flows into the crevices of the scales and gives a good effect.

The next challenge will be the basing scheme which I hope will not screw up the mini too much.