Just attended the ETC Equatorial Massacre 2013 tournament on Sunday. Its a one-day 3 game tourney consisting of 4 teams of 4, using ETC army restrictions. I refined my list somewhat after getting 2 losses in my orientation games.
My list was as follows:
Black Orc Warboss: General, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Enchanted Shield, 245
Savage Orc Great Shaman: Level 4, Big Waagh!, Lucky Shrunken Head, Obsidian, Amulet, Ironcurse Icon, 290
Savage Orc Big Boss: BSB, Great Weapon, Luckstone, Armour of Silvered Steel, 154
Savage Orc Shaman: Level 2, Big Waagh!, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 155 Goblin Big Boss: Wolf, Shield, Light Armor, Dragonhelm, Tormentor Sword, 66 Goblin Big Boss: Wolf, Shield, Light Armor, Dragonbane Gem, Warrior Bane, 61
20 Night Goblins: Musician, shortbows, 2x Fanatic, 120
20 Night Goblins: Musician, shortbows, 2x Fanatic, 120
34 Savage Big 'Uns: FCG, Additional Hand Weapon, Big Stabba, 429
9 Trolls: 315
Orc Boar Chariot: 85
2x 1 Wolf Chariot: 50
2x 1 Rock Lobber: 85
2x 1 Doom Diver: 80
2x 1 Mangler Squig: 65
Game 1 - David Wong, Empire
I was drawn vs David's empire list. His list consisted of hurricanum, arch lector on war altar, 2 level 1 light wizards, bsb on peg, 2 great cannon, block of halberdier, 2 x 5 knights, 1 x 6 DGK and small detachments of archers. Despite out-dropping him, i stole initiative and went first. My war machines were on fire throughout the tourney and in my first turn dropped a great cannon, did 3 wounds to hurricanum and drop 2 DGK. He then proceeded to charge his steam tank into my SOBU block where we stayed for 3 turns. I forgot about the 2+ AS on my BSB and he got chopped down after 2 rounds of combat... my trolls had to seperate from the general due to a building and lost combat after a flank charge from the archlector and got chopped down. Bad plays from me and would have been victory to me if i had remembered the AS on my BSB... David took the game 11-9
Game 2 - G1, Beastman
The gist of his list was 5 casters, 2 death, 1 wild and 2 shadow, gor block, besti block, plenty of gor ambushers and 2 x 5 harpies. I held back as much as i could till he was almost on me before i charged his gor block while his bestigors were being re-directed. hand of gork failed 3 times but his IF pit on my trolls caused a wound on all his casters which allowed me to pick off points via headbutt. I did managed to clear out block of 50 gor but had to sacrifice my troll block to the besti block to do so. I all my units apart from my characters. G1 took the game 11-9
Game 3 - Jon, Chaos Dwarf
Going into the game, i was warned that this would be a tough match for me, esp the kdaii destroyer. He also had a HC, death shreiker, 2 units of goblins 3 bull centaur with a taaruk and a level 4 death, bsb and level 1 fire and an IG block. I went aggressive and pushed his line. Highlights of the game is me not placing my wolfs to re-direct the kdaii and they went warmachine hunting instead. Also, NG blocks with fanatics should not be charging at people and they suffered the brunt of their own fanatics. The sobu went after his IG. his bull centaur moved voluntarily into my manglers and got decimated. Warmachines were on fire and rock lobba hit his HC 3 times but that blasted dwarf save kept him alive for 2 more turns. Long story short, my level 4 shaman got deathsniped despite the MR and ward save, bringing things downhil. his kdaii mopped up the entire flank and contacted my sobu block, wiping them out. Jon took the game 17-3.
Many lessons learnt and stupid mistakes made. I am getting comfortable with the army and learning what i can and cannot do. I absolutely hate fanatics now and will tweak my list to exclude them in favour of netters.
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