Thursday 23 August 2012

Team Singapore Hurrah!

Finally back home after the grueling ETC tourney in Gorzow.

It was a much better experience than I expected it to be, best part being meeting players from all over the world and just hanging out and talking to them.

Also had a blast talking to the guys at Titanforge and was honored to meet the sculptor himself. Also bought some minis from their blood sail island set as replacements for my metal maneaters which I now deem too fragile.

It has been a wonderful experience and would go again next year, given the opportunity.

Team Singapore Hurrah!!

Team Singapore

Friday 10 August 2012

Ghouls and rat swarm done up.

Finally managed to base and Matt coat the ghouls over the public holiday. Amazingly, didn't have as much problem with the spray as previous times.

Gonna show a picture of pre and post dip of the same model as well.

Overall, quite satisfied with the 40 of them. Considering I only spent about two weeks, I would say this is acceptable table-top standard. Put in more effort as well since these were not my minis.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Update on ghouls

Finally got the dip on the 40 ghouls. Not bad speed and manage to basecoat and dip a unit of 40 within 2 weeks.

Just need another night to base and I'll be done.

Did a test model for my prospective LM as well... Turns out yellow and purple are not good friends.