Wednesday 3 July 2013

Crackle failure.

Replacement base is unsatisfactory as well. As I have found out - for myself and through google, crackle paint does not adhere to glossy surfaces. The latest layer of crackle is still peeling.

As much as i hate it, I'll have to abandon the project, wasting almost $50 of material and 2 weeks of my time. 

Such a huge disappointment that it didn't turn out the way I hope it to be. My last attempt will be on a conventional base, painted ice blue and a layer of crackle over that. Hope it works this time.

Unfortunately, the crackle still refuses to adhere to the surface painted ice blue and would only stay in place after i blast it with some white spray paint.  I have halted this project in favor of orcs & goblins that i need to get up for 2014.